Final Revision Sessions

Just a reminder that you are strongly recommended to attend my revision session on Monday 1st June between 1210 and 1310. It is the day before your first language exam and would be very useful.

I will also be available to help with revision on Wednesday 3rd June 1110 and 1210 and Thursday 4th June 1210 to 1310 before your second Language exam.


Please make sure that you are bringing me any work that you want me to check over – I will NOT be chasing you for revision work or home learning at this stage. You need to be taking ownership of your learning now and asking me for whatever help or support you need.

Remember also that my door is open to you after school if you want any additional support or advice. Just check with me that I will be about as I sometimes have meetings after school.



I will be adding new tasks, help and guidelines to this site right up until the exam so come back regularly for updates or subscribe by email to new updates (see the sidebar).

If you have any questions, you can send them through the contact me page.

You have just a few months to go and this is the time to make the difference in your grades. There is so much potential in this class!